
Stripe Integration

This guide will show you how to set up your Stripe account for testing and local development.

You need to clone the boilerpro-backend repository to follow this guide.

Once you deploy your app, you can follow the same steps, just make sure you’re using your live Stripe API keys and product IDs and you are no longer in test mode within the Stripe Dashboard.

To get started, you’ll need to create a Stripe account. You can do that here (opens in a new tab).

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Get your test Stripe API Keys

Once you’ve created your account, you’ll need to get your test API keys. You can do that by navigating to https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/apikeys (opens in a new tab) or by going to the Stripe Dashboard and clicking on the Developers.

Stripe Setup

  • Click on the Reveal test key token button and copy the Secret key.
  • Paste the Secret key in your .env file under STRIPE_KEY.

Create Test Products

To create a test product, go to the test products url (https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/products (opens in a new tab)), or after navigating to your dashboard, click the test mode toggle.

Stripe Products

  • Click on the Add a product button and fill in the relevant information for your product.
  • Make sure you select Software as a service (SaaS) as the product type.
  • For Subscription products, make sure you select Recurring as the billing type.
  • For One-time payment products, make sure you select One-time as the billing type.
  • If you want to add different price tiers for the same product, click the Add another price button at the bottom.

Stripe Products

  • After you save the product, you’ll be directed to the product page.
  • Copy the price IDs and paste them in the .env.server file
    • We’ve set you up with two example subscription product environment variables, HOBBY_SUBSCRIPTION_PRICE_ID= and PRO_SUBSCRIPTION_PRICE_ID=.
    • As well as a one-time payment product/credits-based environment variable, CREDITS_PRICE_ID=.
  • Note that if you change the names of the price IDs, you’ll need to update your server code to match these names as well

Create a Stripe Webhook

To create a Stripe webhook, go to the webhooks url (https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/webhooks (opens in a new tab)) and click the Add endpoint button.

Stripe Webhook

  • Insert the endpoint url (get it from the Deploy section)
  • Select Latest API Version (2024-04-10)
  • Select checkout.session.completed from the events list.
  • Finally, click the Add endpoint button.

Stripe Add Endpoint

Once you add the endpoint you will be redirected to the endpoint lists in the Stripe Dashboard. Click on the endpoint and copy the Secret key.

  • Paste the Secret key in your .env file under STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET.